30+ Studies Show Vitamin D Effectiveness

 In Featured, Healthy Living

The novel coronavirus outbreak is a global pandemic that is immeasurably impacting individuals, communities and the global economy. Considering the massive health and economic burden of Covid 19, any preventative measures and treatments which can reduce the severity of the disease and improve patient outcomes are of high clinical and economical importance.


While scientists are rushing to manufacture a safe and effective vaccine, clinical trials have been showing the positive effects of a common nutrient: Vitamin D.


Over 30 scientific studies have shown the effectiveness of adequate Vitamin D against the damages of Covid 19. 


In fact, Vitamin D has been shown to:

  1. Reduce Covid-19 risks, including risk of infection 
  2. Reduce severity of the disease 
  3. Reduce the need for hospitalization, ICU care, and/or mechanical ventilation 
  4. Reduce the risk of mortality


Here are some numbers:

  1. Low vitamin D increased risk of infection by 45%, and of hospitalisation by 95%.
  2. Vitamin D deficiency increased risk of COVID-19 diagnosis by 80%
  3. Severe vitamin D deficiency showed 50% mortality risk, compared to only 5% risk for those with adequate levels
  4. In a RCT, high doses of vitamin D as treatment reduced ICU admission by 96%!




During the early stages of infection, the immune system is responsible for eliminating the virus. As the disease progresses, lung inflammation and fibrosis occur due to the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines and other immune molecules.  


Therefore, early intervention is key to preventing the virus from establishing a firm hold, thus preventing its progression to the hyper-inflammatory stages associated with severe cases. This is where Vitamin D acts as a PREVENTATIVE measure. It is a key player in this protective immune response. 


In addition, Vitamin D has a wide range of essential immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, antifibrotic, and antioxidant actions which all fight against the damaging effects of Covid 19. So whether taken as a preventative measure or treatment, the various functions performed by Vitamin D help to support the immune system, rid the body of the virus, and stop the progression of Covid 19 to the more advanced, inflammatory phases.


Studies confirm that low levels of Vitamin D are associated with increased Covid 19 severity and death.


Alongside its positive actions against Covid 19 directly, Vitamin D has also been shown to reduce the risk of respiratory tract infections, stroke, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, type 2 diabetes, various cancers, cardiovascular disease, and all-cause mortality. It is well established that such comorbidities increase the risk of Covid 19 complications and death, therefore it is important to address these underlying conditions as well. 




Subclinical Vitamin D deficiency is prevalent in both developed and developing countries. Studies have found that doses of 10,000 IU of Vitamin D per day for several weeks is necessary to bring 97.5% of the population to optimal levels. Doses as high as 40,000 IU/day are considered safe and unlikely to result in toxicity. A simple blood test can be used to measure your current level. 


Vitamin D can also be produced by the body through adequate exposure to sunlight. Note however that skin tone and geographical location significantly influence Vitamin D production.  


All references listed here.

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