Research Reveals Insights Into Coronavirus

 In Healthy Living

Summary of the Research:

In the past few decades, newly evolved Coronaviruses (CoVs) have posed a global threat to public health. Since the emergence of SARS‐CoV in 2002 and its spread throughout 32 countries, the world has experienced the outbreak of MERS‐CoV and now the 2019‐nCoV.

The immune response is essential to control and eliminate CoV infections. However, maladjusted immune responses may result in impaired pulmonary gas exchange and lung damage, increasing the risk of serious complication and death. 

Gaining a deeper understanding of the interaction between Coronaviruses and the immune system may shed light on the development and persistence of inflammation in the lungs and hopefully can reduce the risk of lung inflammation caused by CoVs. 

This scientific review concludes that the immune response inhibits virus replication, promotes virus clearance, induces tissue repair, and triggers a prolonged adaptive immune response against the viruses. But pulmonary and systemic inflammatory responses associated with CoVs can become severe. 

Vaccine development can be time‐consuming. To fulfill the pressing need, we should propose effective therapeutic measures using the accumulated knowledge of the innate immune response system” 

The inflammatory response plays a crucial role in SARS‐induced lung injury cases, therefore in CoV pneumonia cases, it is important to control cytokine production and inflammatory response, given that they are responsible for the accumulation of cells and fluids. 

For more information about how you can naturally decrease cytokine production and inflammation, BEFORE infection occurs and without the side effects of immune modulating drugs, visit


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