The Science of Frequency and Health
What is frequency? How can it help (or harm) the body?
This article will explain the answers to these questions and how you can use frequency to improve your life.
All explanations are fully referenced with scientific research (numbered and linked in blue).
So let’s start at the beginning….
What creates matter and our human experience?
We know that we are made of organs, tissues, cells, molecules and atoms. If we go a level deeper, we are made of subatomic particles such as photons and electrons.
Every plant, object, and even light itself is made of subatomic particles, which interact together to create matter and the forces that govern our universe. 1
It is well established by physics and quantum mechanics that ALL particles contain energy and are in constant motion or vibration. 2
Where there is energy, there is also frequency. German physicist Max Planck and Albert Einstein discovered that E = hf, where E is the energy of a particle or wave, h is Planck’s constant, and f is the frequency. 3
So matter and the forces that govern our reality are made of subatomic particles, which all have energy, and therefore all have a frequency. Therefore frequency is directly implicated in our health and everyday lives.
But what exactly is frequency?
Frequency is the number of vibrations (or waves) per second.
For example, when you strike a guitar string, it vibrates back and forth creating sound waves. If the vibration is happening at 400 waves per second, its frequency is 400 Hz (the universal measurement of frequency). 4
Let’s look at some examples:
Electromagnetic waves are perhaps the most well-known source of frequency. They are all around us! These include radio waves, visible light, wifi and even brain waves. In fact all of your organs and cells create electromagnetic waves of low frequency. 5
The important thing to know is that changing the frequency of a particle or wave changes the way it behaves.
Take light for example, shown below:
At a certain frequency, light is visible as a spectrum of color. Increase the frequency and you have UV (ultraviolet) light which we need to produce essential Vitamin D. Increase the frequency further and you have ionizing radiation which kills cells. 6
Different frequencies provide different results.
Low frequencies between 0 and 1000 Hz are associated with brain wave states (below) and other therapeutic effects. 7
Frequencies can be delivered via microcurrent stimulation directly on the body (see Healy) or via water (see CellPower).
HOW exactly do frequencies help us?
Moleculates (including those found in our cells) generate their own electromagnetic fields (shown below in blue).
External frequencies INFLUENCE these fields (shown in red). The combination of both (shown in purple) is the result.
Frequencies influence the structure and vibratory states of the molecule, creating change.
It is important to note again that the effect with depend on the TYPE of frequency and mode of delivery.
– ATP (energy) production
– Protein synthesis
– DNA expression
– Wound healing
– Nerve function and recovery
– Inflammatory regulation
– Immune cell regulation
– Fluid balance
– Pain management (headaches, arthritis, injury)
– Bone formation and fracture repair
– Tissue regeneration
– Skin repair
– Pathogen clearance (bacteria, candida)
– Muscle function
– Vision repair
– Sleep optimization
– Hormone balance
– Neurotransmitter release
– Diabetes control
– Heart and cardiovascular function
– Cell programming and structuring
– Mental health (depression, anxiety)
– ADHD improvement
– Alzheimer’s amelioration
– PTSD and trauma healing
The effects of frequency on water
Remember Dr Emoto’s experiment? He tested various types of written words, music and prayer (which are frequencies), which dramatically altered the molecular structure of water before it was frozen.
The photos below show the impact of frequency on water crystals.
Since we are primarily made of water, imagine the implications of combining frequency and water!
That’s exactly what CellPower does, with the much added benefit of molecular hydrogen.
In Conclusion:
Frequency is an amazing tool for improving health and mental well-being. I highly recommend incorporating it into your life, whether it be via microcurrent therapy, Cellpower water, or both.
If you have any questions, please email info@meganpennington.com
Enjoy your frequencies!