Why Do Some Get Sick And Others Don’t?

 In Healthy Living

A recent news report by CTVNews speaks about why some people fall ill when exposed to Covid 19 and other viruses, while others don’t.

One of the likeliest factors is the health of our individual immune systems.

“You might have a stronger immune system that makes you less susceptible to becoming infected or that makes you more resistant to the infection,” Dr. Eleanor Fish, an immunology professor at the University of Toronto, told CTVNews.

Someone with a strong, healthy immune system may not become infected, or may become infected but show mild symptoms. Those with compromised immune systems and the elderly are considered at higher risk of dying or having serious complications from COVID-19.

Experts anticipate at least 1 year before a vaccine can be developed and properly tested. Until then, one of the best things you can do is maintain proper hygiene and eat a nutrient rich diet.

There are other ways to support the immune system as well. I specialize in immune system health through the identification and removal of hypersensitivity food reactions.

By providing what the immune system needs to fight infection (nutrients) and removing what is draining its resources (food reactions and other factors like stress) you can help the immune system do its job efficiently, which helps you fight infections. visit thm.meganpennington.com/webclass

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