Our Team

MP Integrative Health Coaches


Hi! My name is Ariann.

I was born with eczema and was on topical steroids for over 20 years. Living with this condition was sometimes embarrassing, at times debilitating, and being on medications for that long came with some significant side effects that no one told me about.

Twelve years ago I learned about food as medicine and how to heal. I also learned that our bodies are designed to strive for health – not sickness! I spent years trying to eat “perfectly” and wondering why I would regress. I’ve since become certified as an Integrative Practitioner and look for the underlying root causes of “dis-ease”.

Today, I can say I am eczema free! This freedom has come with many lessons and ups and downs. A journey that has been truly life-changing. I am so excited to share what I have learned so you can skip some of the trial and error that I went through. I wish I had known then what I know now.


Hi, I’m Sarah!

As a certified Christian yoga instructor, I have become passionate about ways to heal the body naturally. I’ve learned through personal experience that if we don’t prioritize our health now, we will pay in illness later.

As a former client of Megan’s program, I confirmed how powerful our bodies are in healing themselves through food and mind.  As a young child, I grew up taking a lot of antibiotics. After having my second child, my skin broke out in an atrociously itchy rash. The itching was bone-deep, and so bad that I had scabs over my entire body. I was in constant pain, I was gaining weight, and emotionally it was beginning to take its toll.  I was extremely concerned for my future well-being.  After several doctor visits, both traditional and holistic, I found Megan.  Almost immediately after starting the program, all pain and itching went away! I was mentally clear, I was getting back to a healthy weight and I had energy!  I felt better than I had in my whole life and I learned so much.

This transformation has jump-started my desire to help others through integrative and holistic measures.  I love to support our clients on their journey to wellness, and truly feel a deep connection with every one.